Blogger Magic - A Static Home Page, Improved

For many years, Blogger blog owners have been asking for the ability to have a static Home page, on their blog.

We came up with a basic solution for that, a couple years ago. Last year, I packaged the procedure.
Set "Show" to "0 posts".
Add a static HTML / Text gadget.
Tweak the template for the new gadget, to display only on Home page.
This was an obvious solution (to some of us) - but it's painfully complex, and it involves editing the template HTML. It's an interesting techie solution - and that's about it.

Today, I realised that Blogger recently gave us this option, in a far simpler solution, last month - but not so many people noticed it.

The "Custom Redirects" feature is just what you need, to create a static home page.
Setup a Static Page. Use the dashboard Pages wizard, make a "New page", and select "Blank page".
Use the "Custom Redirects" dashboard wizard, and redirect from the Home page to the new Static page.
Work on the static home page, and make it attractive.